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Ten Simple Steps to Take Control of Office Expenditure

In our modern day offices, there can be opportunities for saving everywhere. Being pragmatic with spending, and continous incremental upgrades to systems can all add up in the long term. These 10 tips can help you help yourself.

1. Talk to suppliers & partners about helping you reduce costs.


There are people out there that can help! Whether it's the company that delivers you milk, or the business that provides your network connectivity, there are costs that can be reduced practically everywhere. It can prove useful to challenege your suppliers and vendors or a frequent basis to make sure that you are getting the best deal that you could be getting. This simple tip can help you save small amounts of money, which can build into a large long-term gain.

2. Use Technology to enhance your business and promote efficiency.


There are many different methods and low-cost solutions to your everyday business needs. For example, isntead of travelling cross-country, you could set up a we conference using programs/tools such as Google Hangouts or Skype and, you could also take part in computer based training rather than travelling offsite.

3. Make cost-saving everyone's priority.


Nobody knows the ins and outs of your business like you and your employees. If everyone you employ takes part in cost-reductions, you can easily save small amounts in several places. Take time to speak to your employees and ask them for their thoughts on what could be done in less time and/or for a lesser cost. You and your employees will share the results from these savings!

4. Set realistic goals and expectations for cost reduction.


Set consistant goals with significant guidelines for employees when it comes to your expectations for cost reduction. For instance, you could implement policies that reduce travel expenses by organising travelling more cost effectively. This extra effort in training your employees to work as cost effectively will help when it comes to efficient administration and the processing of expense reports.

5. Partner up to increase your sales footprint.


Partnering can help you get more influence in your field. Whether you're purchasing insurance or hosting a sales event, bigger numbers means more success. Teaming up with neighbouring or complementary businesses can allow you to both share costs for the initial event, but also increase the overall profit potential from the business you are planning.

6. Keep things Simple!


If its a common problem you are having, there is a big chance that someone somewhere has already devised a solution to that problem. It will always be simpler (and more cost effective) to make a few minor adjustments rather than tearing everything down and starting over. Always keep in mind that the internet and your partners are there for your convenience, and so you should leverage them as much as is reasonably possible.

7Reduce the amount of companies you rely on.


It's great to see other businesses thriving, but why should you suffer for it? If you can get most of your office services from one company, why use three? Most companies that provide managed services, such as Join-IT, are usually more than happy to take up more of your business, and in doing so, you can save money by reducing outgoing costs.

8. Explore options for replacing outdated technology.


With the ever increasing popularity of smart-phones and various forms of electronic communications, it can be easy to overlook the old, or outdated, communication solutions that you have in your place of work.


For example, consider a virtual or hosted phone system, or convert to a VOIP telephone solution, all of which are available with Join-IT. You could even replace fax systems with a brand-new multifunction printer with scan-to PDF capabilities, saving yourself money on the upkeep of older technology.

9. Keep energy usage in mind.


Energy waste can be one of the most costly things to a small business, and fortunately there are already several things that you can do right now to manage the issue. The best thing to do as a first step would be to switch any/all lights that allow it to energy saving bulbs. Putting lights on timers or using motion detectors is also a great way to stop lighting empty rooms. Using light colours for the walls of your office can also help, as light colours reflect more light.


Furthermore, with electrical equipment in mind, you can get a timer or systems on devices that can learn when you need them on, meaning that you can save money by not powering devices that you do not require to be on. Enquire with Join-IT to learn more about MFDs that can detect your presence and have power scheduling.

10. Manage your printing costs.


Most companies don't track their printing costs, whether its paper or toner/ink cartridges the costs add up. The best way to manage this, is to get a managed print service contract, so that you can track usage and expense. With this informatin clearly laid out to you, you will be able to manage how you spend your money in this area much more effectively. See the button below to contact Join-IT for more information on managed print service contracts.

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